galvanic masterpieces

Our Services

Our Specialization

our experience For over 10 years, Aurolia Technologies has been developing technically functional surfaces for better performance. Rely on a strong partner, now and in the future!
Chemisch Nickel
Aurolia 2.0 the new factory
mechanische oberflächen

Galvanic Masterpieces

Jedes Bauteil hat individuelle Anforderungen – und nicht selten ist es die Oberflächenbeschichtung, die die gewünschten Attribute erst möglich macht. Wir verstehen uns deshalb nicht als reinen Dienstleister in der Galvanik. Wir sehen es als unsere Aufgabe, die bestmögliche Lösung für Ihre Herausforderung zu finden. Erst wenn wir das schaffen, sind wir zufrieden. Wenn das Produkt zu Ihrem Unternehmenserfolg beiträgt, macht uns das stolz. Das ist unser Antrieb. Das ist Aurolia.

Galvanische Meisterwerke
Every component has individual requirements – and often, it's the surface coating that makes the desired attributes possible. That's why we don't see ourselves solely as a service provider in electroplating. We see it as our mission to find the best possible solution for your challenge. Only when we achieve that, we are satisfied. When the product contributes to your company's success, it makes us proud. That's our drive. That's Aurolia.


Aurolia Success Stories


AC 46000: A Masterpiece in Surface Technology.

The Aurolia team has earned a reputation for seeing their customers' challenges as exciting opportunities, and this case was no exception. It wasn't just about creating a desired component out of AC 46000 in a decorative and appealing form. Rather, our goal was to achieve a very specific attribute associated with exceptionally high adhesion strength.


Improved Occupational Safety with a Positive Side Effect

Process Optimization Makes Hydrofluoric Acid Redundant

Sometimes, on the journey to a solution, you find much more than you expect. This was the case in a collaboration with one of our customers. They produce covers for connectors in electric vehicles using the aluminum die-casting process. In order to remove the residues typically associated with this process, the components were previously pickled with concentrated hydrofluoric acid.


Impossible to Enhance

A customer approached us with the request to coat the alloy AW 7075 T6511 - after several platers had already rejected the order, stating that it was not possible. The alloy in the T6511 condition contains hardenings in the edge area, which are visible as a dark edge after coating. During a hardness test of the material, a difference of over 50 Brinell between the edge and the core was found - with losses increasing proportionally as the component diameter increases. Our solution: If manufacturers provide the workpiece with some machining allowance and machine off the hardened edge, even the previously considered unsuitable for coating alloy AW7075 in the T6511 condition can be excellently and uniformly refined.

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Aurolia Success Stories

Aurolia macht Oberflächenveredelung möglich

Oberflächen Veredelung Erfolgsstories

Official ZVO Video

The Mega-Trends of the Future and the Crucial Role of Galvanizing for Germany